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Takaoka M: Chapter 14: The Current Situation Regarding Phosphorus Recovery in Asian Countries, Phosphorus: Polluter and Resource of the Future – Removal and Recovery from Wastewater, IWA Publishing, pp.281-304 (2018)
Masaki Takaoka(contributor), Wastewater Sludge: Second Edition A Global Overview of the Current Status and Future Prospects, Spinosa L (Eds),, IWA publishing (2011)
S. Morisawa, M. Mokhtar (編集者): "Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Japan and Management, potential tools for better environmental protection" (2009)
O. Fujiki, M. Minamiyama, M. Ozaki, M. Takaoka and T. Annaka: General, Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management, Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global, UN-HABITAT, pp.349-356 (2008)