About us
To share Japanese Waste to Energy experiences, researches and technologies with you, WtERT-Japan is established as one of members in the Global WtERT Council.
Sound material cycles and waste management is gaining increasingly greater importance in the effort to keep our environment sustainable. The amount of waste being generated is rapidly increasing all across the world. In addition, this increasing trend is expected to continue as the amount of human activities increase. Inappropriate treatment or disposal of solid waste will invite a host of problems and may become harmful to human beings. The amounts and properties of waste are a reflection of people’s lifestyles. The constituents of solid waste vary according to changes in lifestyle, levels of industrialization, technical innovation, and so on.
Useful materials in waste are defined as recyclable resources, and priorities concerning waste disposal are set: reduce, reuse, recycle (the so-called 3Rs); waste to energy; and finally, proper disposal. In other words, the 3Rs are promoted as much as possible, and for the remaining waste unsuited to the 3Rs, waste to energy is performed; finally, the remains are disposed of appropriately. At this point, in addition to conventional sanitary treatment and capacity reduction, the goal of waste to energy facilities is added with regard to establishing a sound material-cycle society.
What is WtERT
The Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WtERT) brings together engineers, scientists and managers from universities and industry. The mission of WtERT is to identify and advance the best available waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies for the recovery of energy or fuels from municipal solid wastes and other industrial, agricultural, and forestry residues. The WtERT website includes the information database SOFOS that contains thousands of technical papers. The web pages of WtERT-US and its sister organizations around the world have become one of the best sources of information on the subject of Sustainable Waste Management.